Saturday, January 26, 2008

Exodus 12-13; Acts 1

Exodus 12-13
12:21-22 - What a strange night it must have been for the Israelites! The lamb (or goat) blood on the hyssop applied to doorposts and lintels; staying inside all night in, I would suppose, fearful anticipation of what they would find the next morning.

12:27 - The Israelites' response to Moses' instructions: they "bowed down and worshipped."

12:31 - Contradiction? Moses' instructions to the people were that after they applied the blood to their doorposts and lintels, they were not allowed to leave their houses. Yet Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron in the night and told them to go -- worship the LORD. So where were Moses and Aaron? Did not this require them to come out of their houses? Or did this instruction not apply to them as well?

12:42 - A "night of vigil" -- to be kept for the LORD by all the Israelites throughout their generations.

Acts 1
v. 7 - Some things are not for disciples to know.

v. 12 - How far is a Sabbath's day journey? According to Matthew Henry's commentary, " a little way; no further than devout people used to walk out on a sabbath evening, after the public worship was over, for meditation...not to journey on the sabbath any more than in order to do the sabbath work." According to other commentaries, it could have been from just short of a mile to two miles.

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