Friday, January 23, 2009

Isaiah 42-43

Isaiah 42
1-9 The Servant, a Light to the Nations (Clearly Messianic)

1 "Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights..." An expression of the love of a Father for his child, though we don't usually refer to our children as "servants" or as "chosen," which distinguishes this child from others.
2-4 He has my spirit; will bring forth justice; will not cry, or break a bruised reed; will faithfully bring forth justice in the earth.
5 Thus says the LORD, who created the heavens and the earth and who gives breath to all people
6-7 I have called you to righteousness, and given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations, to bring the prisoners out of the dungeon
8-9 My name is LORD; I give my praise to no other. Former things are done; I tell you of new things

10-20 A Hymn of Praise

The whole earth praise the LORD with a new song
13 The LORD goes forth like a soldier, with fury and might
14-17 For a long time I have been quiet. Now I will cry out like a woman in labor, laying waste mountains and hills, leading the blind, smoothing rough places, turning back those who trust in graven images.

21-25 Israel's Disobedience

21 The LORD magnified and glorified his teaching.
22-24 But his people were trapped in sin, with no one to rescue them, and the LORD gave them up because of their disobedience.
25 Even punishment did not bring Israel to its senses.

Isaiah 43
1-28 Restoration and Protection Promised

1-2 Do not fear, O Israel, he who created you will be with you through floods and fire.
3-7 I will pay the ransom to bring you and your children back from the east, west, north and south
8-9 Bring the blind with eyes and the deaf with ears (your idols), assemble, and let them speak up.
10-13 Understand that there is no God but the LORD; no one can deliver from my hand.
14 For your sake I will turn the shouting of the Chaldeans to lamentations.
15-17 I, the Creator of Israel, will overpower armies.
18-21 Do not remember the old things; I am about to do a new thing, making a way in the wilderness, where wild animals honor me, giving drink to my people.
22-24 Yet you have not called on me, nor honored me. Instead, you have burdened me with your sins.
25-28 I am the One who will blot out your transgressions. Take me to court to prove your case; see that you have been punished for your sins.

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