Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jeremiah 15

Jeremiah 15
1-9 Punishment Is Inevitable
  • Send the people out of my sight, to pestilence, to the sword, to famine, to captivity.
  • I will make them a horror because of what King Manasseh did in Jerusalem
5-6 No one cares about your welfare, Jerusalem, because you have rejected me, and I am weary of relenting.
7-9 I have destroyed my people, made more widows than the sands of the sea, shamed a mother of seven, then given the rest over to the sword.

10-21 Jeremiah Complains Again and Is Reassured
  • Woe is me, that I was ever born, for they all curse me.
  • The LORD has brought enemies down upon us, will give our treasures to our enemies, and we will become their servants.
15-18 LORD, you know me. For you I suffer insult, your words are a joy to me, I haven't joined the merrymakers. Yet you fill me with indignation and pain, "like a deceitful brook, like waters that fail." Jeremiah supposed that if he was faithful he would be blessed, but the blessings don't come.
19-21 God answers: You shall stand before me and be my spokesman; they will not prevail over you, for I will save and deliver you out of the hand of the wicked.

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