Monday, December 13, 2010

John 9

A Man Born Blind Receives Sight

1 As he walks along, he sees a man blind from birth. In context, Jesus has just left the temple. Even after the confrontation he’s just had with the Pharisees, he notices this man who needs his help.

2-5 Disciples: Did this man sin, or his parents? I wonder how they knew he was born blind.

Jesus: Neither, but that God’s works would be revealed. We must do His work while it is day; when I am gone it will be like night again. I think this is what he is saying. After he’s gone, God’s work can’t be done like he’s doing it. Even after his death, his disciples were able to heal, but they only reflected His light; they were not its source.

6-7 He makes some mud from dirt and saliva, puts it on the man’s eyes and tells him to wash in the pool of Siloam. When the man obeys, his sight returns.

His neighbors: Is this the man that was blind? Yes. No.

The man It’s me!

Neighbors: How come you can see now?

Man: A man called Jesus made some mud….

Neighbors: Where is he?

Man: I don’t know.

The Pharisees Investigate the Healing

13-17 The neighbors bring the formerly blind man to the Pharisees, who question him. Some are critical that it done on the Sabbath and is therefore a sin; others wonder how a sinner can heal. The man identifies Jesus as a prophet.

18-23 To confirm the miracle, the Pharisees question the parents, who confirm the miracle, but for fear of the Jews, hesitate to identify Jesus as the Messiah.

24-34 Again, they question the man, who defends the miracle and Jesus:

  • All I know is, I was blind but now I see.
  • Since you’re asking me so much about it, it must mean that you also want to follow Him.

To their assertion they are disciples of Moses, but they don’t know where this Jesus comes from, he replies:

  • God would listen only to those who do his will.
  • No one has ever opened the eyes of the blind. He must be from God.

Exasperated, they drive him out. Most probably this means they put him out of the synagogue – excommunicate him – which was his parents’ fear.

Spiritual Blindness

35-38 Hearing he has been driven out, Jesus finds the man and asks him if he believes in the Son of Man and identifies himself. The man confesses his belief and worships Jesus.

39-41 Jesus says he came to make the blind see and the seeing blind.

Pharisees, overhearing: Are we blind?

Jesus: Because you think you see, your sin remains.

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