Saturday, January 8, 2011

John 16

The World’s Hatred (cont’d)
1-4 I’m telling you these things so when you are persecuted by those who think by doing so they worship God, you will not fall. They don’t know the Father or me. Religious fervor can be very destructive. Misguided passions – whether you call them crusades or jihads – may make devotees feel virtuous, but Jesus didn’t teach either by example or instruction that our battles are fought with weapons of destruction.
The Work of the Spirit
5-11 Even though it makes you sorrowful, for your sakes I must go to Him who sent me, for only then can the Advocate come to you, to convict the world about sin, righteousness.and judgment.
12-15 The Spirit of truth will guide you to truth, speaking what he hears, declaring to you what is to come, glorifying me.
Sorrow Will Turn into Joy
16-24 When I tell you that in a little while you will no longer see me, then in a little while you will see me, it’s like a woman in labor giving birth to a child. Her pain brings about joy. Then you will ask anything in my name, and I will give it to you.
Peace for the Disciples
25-28 The hour comes when I will speak directly to you of the Father, and through me you will speak directly to the Father, for he loves you for loving me and believing in me.
29-33 The hour comes when you will scatter and leave me alone, but the Father will be with me. Though you face persecution, you can have peace, for I have conquered the world.
Note: This chapter seems a disjointed out of context. I think there must be a lot of things left unsaid here. It must have been a poignant scene. This is the moment when the disciples realize that Jesus will be leaving them soon. They have spent three years with this Son of Man, seeing him, hearing him teach, watching him do his amazing works. And now they have to anticipate his going away, and he is leaving his mission on earth in their care, with the help of the Holy Spirit, whom they will not be able to see.

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