Beginning of Part 2: The Conflict in Heaven
The Woman and the Dragon
1-6 Two portents (NRSV, meaning “sign or warning that something, esp. something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen”) appear in heaven. First, a woman about to give birth clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet, wearing a crown of 12 stars. Second, a great red dragon with 7 heads, 10 horns, and 7 diadems, whose tail sweeps away 1/3 of the stars down to earth.
He stands before the woman in order to devour her child the moment it’s born, but when her son is born – one who is to rule all nations with an iron rod – he is snatched up to God. The woman flees into the wilderness to a place prepared by God, where she will remain for 1260 days [3-1/2 years].
From Vision of Victory: The reason God’s people on earth face persecution is because of the conflict in heaven. Here, the woman represents all of every dispensation who have been faithful to God – including the Jewish nation – and have helped bring the Messiah. She is exalted with the glory of the sun, exercises dominion over the moon, and wears a crown of victory.
The dragon, Satan, portrays “complete diabolical power, wisdom and cunning against which the church must fight for its survival.” His aim is to destroy Christ, whom Psalm 2:9 prophesies will rule with a rod of iron. The woman, now representing spiritual Israel, flees to a place of protection, where she is fed with the true manna from heaven – Christ (John 6:50).
7-12 A war in heaven between the dragon and his angels and Michael and his angels ends in defeat for the dragon, who is the Devil. He and his angels are thrown down to earth. John hears a loud voice in heaven proclaiming the victory of the kingdom of God over the accuser, by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony, because they did not fear death. Rejoicing in heaven, woe to the earth and sea. This describes spiritual warfare. Because saints are cleansed by Jesus’ blood, Satan has lost his power over God’s people; he has no basis for accusation. The earth – those who refuse to repent – and the sea – masses of society – will be the sphere of Satan’s activity.
13-18 The dragon, seeing he has been thrown to earth, pursues the woman, who flees to the wilderness on wings of the great eagle, where she is nourished for 3-1/2 times. He tries to wash her away with a flood from his mouth, but the earth absorbs the river. Angrily, the dragon goes off to make war on her children. The church, represented by the woman, enjoys the protection and nourishment from God. Satan tries to drown the church with lies and slanderous accusations. Instead, the world swallows his lies, further distinguishing the church from the world. When he can’t destroy the church as a body, he goes after individual believers, to compromise their faith. Vision of Victory, quoting Home Hailey’s commentary on Revelation: “As long as the world absorbs the river of Satan’s lies, and the church drinks from the fountain of Divine truth, the separation between the two will remain clear and distinct. But when the woman begins to compromise with Satan and his lies, becoming submerged in his river of falsehood, tragedy follows.”
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