Friday, June 4, 2010

Haggai 2

1-9 The Future Glory of the Temple

1-3 In the 2nd year of Darius, 7th month, 21st day, God through Haggai asks Zerubbabel and Joshua, Who is left who has seen the temple as it was? It is still nothing in comparison.

4-9 God tells them to take courage, that he is with them, that he will soon shake the world and fill the house with splendor, with silver and gold, exceeding the former glory.

10-19 A Rebuke and a Promise

10-14 In the 2nd year of Darius, 9th month, 24th day, God asks the priests through Haggai if holy meat in a garment fold makes other items holy if only the fold touches them (“No). Are they made unclean if touched by a person made unclean from touching a dead body? “Yes.” So is God’s nation unclean.

15-19 Whereas the nation was unproductive before, now – from the 24th of the month, the date when the foundation stone is laid – God will bless them.

20-23 God’s promise to Zerubbabel

20-23 Again on the 24th, God says to Zerubbabel through Haggai that he is about to overthrow kingdoms and that he will make Zerubbabel like a signet ring. Comment from Jamieson, Fausset & Brown:

A ring with a seal on it; the legal representative of the owner; generally of precious stones and gold, &c., and much valued. Being worn on the finger, it was an object of constant regard. In all which points of view the theocratic people, and their representative, Zerubbabel the type, and Messiah his descendant the Antitype, are regarded by God. The safety of Israel to the end is guaranteed in Messiah, in whom God hath chosen them as His own.

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