Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Esther 2

1-18 Esther Becomes Queen

1-4 After the king’s anger abates, and he remembers what he’s done to Vashti, the king’s servants decide to find him a new queen by gathering all the beautiful young virgins into the harem and giving them cosmetic treatments, under the charge of Hegia, the king’s eunuch. Apparently, the king is sorry for banishing Vashti, but since under the Persian constitution the king’s edict cannot be revoked, he can’t be reconciled with her.

5-7 In Susa is Mordecai — a Jew whose family was brought to Babylon with the captivity of Jeconiah — and his cousin Hadassah (Esther), whom Mordecai adopted after the death of her parents.

9-11 Esther is taken to the harem and favored by Hegai, but under Mordecai’s instruction does not reveal her heritage. Mordecai keeps close watch on her.

12-14 After 12 months, each girl spends a night with the king and is then transferred to the harem of concubines, under supervision of Shaashgaz, another eunuch.

15-18 When Esther comes to the king, in the 7th year of his reign, she wins his favor and love, and he crowns her queen in place of Vashti. He honors her with a banquet and grants a holiday [or amnesty] to the provinces and gives gifts with “royal liberality.” The Chapter 1 banquet took place in Ahasuerus’s third year, which means he went four years without a queen.

19-23 Mordecai Discovers a Plot

19-21 After Esther becomes queen, Mordecai tells her of a plot he discovered when he was hanging around the palace court checking on her. Two of the king’s eunuchs – gatekeepers Bigtham and Teresh – are planning to assassinate the king.

22-23 Esther tells the king in Mordecai’s name, and after an investigation, the two men are hanged, and the incident is recorded in the king’s annals.

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