Monday, September 6, 2010

Esther 5

1-8 Esther’s Banquet

1-4 On the 3rd day, Esther, dressed in her royal robes, goes to the king; he grants her entrance and tells her he will grant her anything, even to half of his kingdom. Even though he had not called her, he obviously still holds her in great favor.

5-8 She asks only that he and Haman come that day to a banquet, and again the king tells her he will grant her even to half of his kingdom, but she asks only that they will come the next day to another banquet.

9-14 Haman Plans to Have Mordecai Hanged

9-12 Haman leaves the banquet self-satisfied (although infuriated by Mordecai’s lack of respect at the gate) and boasts to his wife and friends of all his successes and the repeat invitation.

13-14 Except for Mordecai, Haman’s life is perfect, so his wife and friends suggest to him that he build a 50-cubit gallows and ask the king to hang Mordecai on it. This explains to some extent why Esther asks for another banquet. It not only makes the king and Haman curious about what she wants, but gives Haman a day to build up his own ego and prepare to “hang himself by his own rope.” (I don’t think this is where that expression originated, but it certainly applies.)

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