Sunday, September 12, 2010

Esther 8

1-17 Esther Saves the Jews

1-2 The king gives Haman’s house to Esther, and after Esther tells him Mordecai is her cousin, he gives the signet ring that Haman had worn (3:10) to Mordecai. Esther sets Mordecai over Haman’s house.

3-6 Esther appears before the king, pleading for the lives of her people, asking for a letter that revokes Haman’s orders to kill them.

7-8 The king gives Mordecai and Esther permission to write the letter and seal it with his signet ring.

9-14 Mordecai dictates a letter to the king’s secretaries, to be distributed to all the provinces, allowing the Jews in all the provinces to defend themselves and to “annihilate any armed force of any people or province that might attack them” all enemies on the 13th day of Adar (the 12th month), and even to plunder their houses. So this wasn’t just acting out of defense against an overt act that day, but the killing of any who “might” attack them.

15-16 Mordecai goes out from the king dressed in royal garb, and the whole city rejoices. “For the Jews there was light and gladness, joy and honor.”

17 The Jews celebrate with festivals, and many claim they are Jews “because the fear of the Jews had fallen upon them.” Can you picture it? All of a sudden, out of fear, Persians are crying, “Don’t kill me: I’m Jewish!”

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