Sunday, February 17, 2008

Numbers 1-2; Psalm 32; Acts 24

Numbers 1 - First Census of Israel
  • 2nd year, 2nd month, 1st day since Exodus from Egypt
  • Census of all males over 20 years old and able to go to war
  • One man from each tribe would help (2 from Joseph's family, none from Levi)
  • Total - 603,550, excluding the Levites
  • Levites are given responsibility for the tabernacle
Numbers 2 - Order of Encampment and Marching
  • Imagine 12 cities, ranging from a population of 32,000 in Manasseh (men only) to 74,600 in Judah (men only), camped around a tent smaller than a football field. Imagine what it would take to move from place to place. Any wonder why God mandated some kind of organization? Imagine the conflict it prevented!
  • Divided into 4 regiments, 3 tribes each
  • Placed on all four sides of the tabernacle, with the Levites camped closest to the tabernacle, surrounding it
  • On the east - the Judah regiment, with Issachar and Zebulun
  • On the south - the Reuben regiment, with Simeon and Gad
  • On the west - the Ephraim regiment, with Manasseh and Benjamin
  • On the north - the Dan regiment, with Asher and Naphtali
Psalm 32 - Anxiety caused by denial of sin; Joy of forgiveness
3 - "While I kept silent, my body wasted away, through my groaning all day long."
5 - "Then I acknowledged my sin to you...and you forgave the guilt of my sin."
1 - "Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." Like the peace that passes understanding that comes from being held securely in God's hand, covered by the blood of Jesus, counted as sinless before God.

Acts 24 - Paul's Trial before Felix
1-9 - Accusations
  • Prosecuting attorney: Tertullus
  • Accusations against Paul:
    • A pestilent fellow
    • An agitator
    • Ringleader of a Nazarene sect
    • Profaned the temple
10-21 - Paul's Defense and the Verdict
  • No basis and no proof for these charges
  • This I will admit:
    • I worship according to the Way
    • I worship the God of our ancestors
    • I have a hope in the resurrection from the dead
    • I do my best to have a clear conscience
22-27 - Felix shows his true character
  • He calls for a recess until Lysias (the tribune) can testify, keeps Paul in custody
  • At the next trial, when his wife Drusilla is present, Felix is frightened by Paul's message about "justice, self-control, and the coming judgment."
  • He holds Paul for 2 more years, hoping for some kind of bribe from him.
  • When replaced by Festus, he still leaves Paul in prison "to grant the Jews a favor."
  • Felix's character in my opinion? A political and spiritual weakling.

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