Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Zechariah 6

1-8 Eighth Vision: Four Chariots

1-3 Zechariah looks up and see four chariots coming out of two bronze mountains, led by red, black, white and dappled gray horses.

4-6 The angel tells Zechariah they are the four winds of heaven, black to the north, white to the west, dappled to the south.

7-9 The angel permits the anxious horses to patrol the earth and tells Zechariah that the horses that go to the north have set his spirit at rest there. After reading several commentaries, Jamieson, Fausset and Brown makes the most sense to me:

four chariots--symbolizing the various dispensations of Providence towards the Gentile nations which had been more or less brought into contact with Judea; especially in punishing Babylon.

from between two mountains--the valley of Jehoshaphat, between Moriah and Mount Olivet; or the valley between Zion and Moriah, where the Lord is (Zechariah 2:10), and whence He sends forth His ministers of judgment on the heathen

north . . . quieted . . . my spirit--that is, caused My anger to rest…Babylon alone of the four great world kingdoms [Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greco-Macedonia, Rome] had in Zechariah's time been finally punished; therefore, in its case alone does God now say His anger is satisfied; the others had as yet to expiate their sin; the fourth has still to do so.

9-15 Coronation of the Branch

9-11 God tells Zechariah to get silver and gold from Babylonian exiles, take the gold to Josiah son of Zephaniah and instruct him to make a crown [or crowns] to place on the head of Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest.

12-14 This man is "Branch,” for he will branch out and build the temple, receiving royal honor and a priest by his throne. The exiles (Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah) and Josiah will care for the crown. Other translations say they make crowns — one of silver, and one of gold — indicating that the man will be both priest and king, a prophecy of the Messiah.

15 Builders will come from afar and help build the temple, if you obey the voice of the LORD. Double meanings for this: 1) those who will return from exile; and 2) the Gentiles that will join with the Jews to build the church.

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