Thursday, August 19, 2010

Zechariah 14

1-21 Future Warfare and Final Victory

1-2 Nations will gather against Jerusalem, taking and looting the city, raping the women, sending half the city into exile, but the rest will not be cut off. This seems to be talking about the final destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. See Luke 21:20-28.

3-5 Then the LORD will fight against those nations, standing on the Mount of Olives, splitting it into so that the Jews can flee through the valley, as they fled from the earthquake in King Uzziah’s day. See Matthew 24:15-21 for a description of Jesus’ warning to his disciples to flee from Jerusalem before its destruction. Another mention of the earthquake of Uzziah’s day is in Amos 1:1

6-7 On that day, neither cold nor frost nor night. It shall remain light.

8 Living waters [John 4:10] will flow from Jerusalem, to the east and to the west.

9 The LORD will become king over all the earth. See Jeremiah 23:5-6, a prophecy of Christ as King.

10-11 The land around Jerusalem will become a plain, but Jerusalem will remain aloft, inhabited and never again to be destroyed. See Isaiah 2:1-2, a prophecy of all nations flowing into Jerusalem, where the gospel was first preached unto those from many nations.

12-15 A rotting plague will strike Jerusalem’s enemies, including their livestock. They will panic and fight each other, and all their wealth will be collected.

16-19 The nations who survive will either go up to Jerusalem to worship the king and keep the festival of booths, or they will receive no rain, specifically Egypt.

20-21 Horses’ bells will be inscribed with “Holy to the LORD,” and all cooking pots in the temple, and all Judah, will be sacred to the LORD, suitable for sacrifices. There will be no traders in the temple.

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